I'll be updating this website from here on out with as much AQW bots as possible! Legion Revenant Class Bot.I did not create this bot. (Legion Fealty 3) (Legion Fealty 4) Requirements.You need 13 inventory slots for the quest. This is basically the lite version of Cetera Bot.
Here is the working version of Revenant bot R4.2. Currently none of the bots are working except Grimoire 3.8 This bot is a little bit hard to use but it works. Complete an offer below to be automatically redirected to your link. Veja este tutorial e resolva todos os seus problemas com este e qualquer outro Bot. Olá leitores, Estou agora trazendo para vocês a nova versão. Grimoire 3.9 AQWorlds Hacks sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2018. Download Grimoire 3.8 - Legion Fealty 3 bot Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW) Hacks / Cheats / Trainers. Hacks para AQW (Adventure Quest Worlds) - Le Bot, Grimoire, Carbon, etc. Just PM us if you want any kind of Bots, anything, we will immediately send the LINK to you, Mediafire Files(Zip Folder).
G community and their bots will be uploaded to youtube with their names if you want to join us join the discord server and show us your skills new invite link for.
Aqworlds BOTS September 7 at 1:37 PM Gbot makers and Cbot makers are required to represent the AQW bottin.